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amurtiger elena - zoo zürich - 2016amurtiger elena posing on her rock. | zebra's love - cabarceno - 2015new born folly with his mother. | indian lionesses - zoo zürich - 2016mother and daughters observing the paparazzi and the crazy guy who wants to raise their attention by running. | spying wolf - zoo zürich - 2016the mongolian wolves enjoy an intimate enclosure where they can hide when ever they want to be undisturbed. | snow leopard - zoo zürich - 2016cute moment when the snow leopard was snuggeling at the rock. | gorilla tenderness - zoo hannover - 2014tender moment of a protective gorilla mother. |
baboon portrait - cabarceno - 2015how to get the attention of baboon - you need a velcro fastener. | giraffe intimacy - cabarceno - 2015two giraffes showing their affection. | meerkats - zoo hannover -2014the meerkats were not ready to come into the sun. | elephant calf - zoo hannover - 2014the little calf was sticking close to its mother. | snow leopard - zoo zürich - 2016male snow leopard villy is often laying close to the glass pane - giving the possibility for breathtaking close - ups. | crocodile - zoo zürich_2016philippine crocodile beautiful decorated with some red flowers. |
chameleon - zoo zürich - 2016the female panther chameleon is better camouflaged than its partner. funny sight when the animal is moving its two eyes in different directions. | white rhino - cabarceno - 2015the big white rhino was blocking the light and filling the whole door with its presence. | gorilla hand - cabarceno - 2015the big fingers of the gorilla's hand and the tender green give a great contrast. | blue tree monitor - zoo zürich 2016the monitor has a long tail and long claws giving him a good grip on branches. | a zebra's head - zoo zürich - 2016the beautiful illuminated head works great with the black background. | gorilla thinking - zoo zürich -2016there's always action in the gorillas enclosure, but the silverback is often more thoughtful. |
peacock - zoo zürich - 2016the peacock's hundreds of eyes have a hypnotic effect. | tired bear - cabarceno - 2015the european brown bears get their red color from the red soil of the former iron mine. | duck - zoo Zürich - 2016standing on one leg the duck is still drinking elegantly. | lioness - cabarceno - 2015a lioness watching over her territory. | indian elephant - zoo zürich - 2016enjoying some refreshment. | demoiselle crane - zoo zürich - 2016beasty bird trying to pick the lense hood. |
lesser panda - zoo zürichlooking to the snow leopard - might not be the best companion. | yellow breasted capucin - zoo zürichthe boss is giving a very severe look. | amurtiger - zoo zürichmirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all? | chapman zebra - zoo zürich | white naped crane- zoo zürich - 2016elegant bird that is normally living in china and corea. | brown bear - tier park gold - 2016the syriac brown bear lady is giving a soft teddy bear like look. |
royal amurtiger - zoo zürich - 2016tigress elena posing for the spectators. | prairie dog - zoo hannoversave my back! | red vari - zoo zürich - 2016the red vary is difficult to be seen - most times they are high above in the trees. | daygecko - zoo zürich - 2016the madagascar day gecko with his sticking green color is more easy to find than other inhabitants. | bear on the rocks - cabarceno - 2015a european brownbear standing high above all others. | peacock - zoo zürich - 2016a blue peacock portrait |
goose - tierpark goldau - 2016the barnacle goose was resting on the visitors path - surrounded by green colors of all shades. | snow leopard - zoo zürich - 2016snow leopard villy eating. | peacock eyes - zoo zürich - 2016detail of the peacock's feathers. | chameleon - zoo zürich - 2016a young panther chameleon frozen in his movement. | baboon thinker - cabarceno - 2015a lonely baboon sitting on a hill. | mandarin ducks - zoo zürich - 2016a female duck chasing an obtrusive male follower. |
lynx hypnose - cabarceno - 2015the lynx was staring in the direction of the camera - suddenly you feel vulnerable. | tree chipmunk - zoo zürich - 2016a curious chinese tree chipmunk. | lesser panda - zoo zürich - 2016the lesser panda is often sleeping high in the tree - rolled-up to a compact package. | mongolian wolf - zoo züricha lazy mongolian with a distant look. | indian elephant - zoo zürich - 2016beautiful brown eyes and eyelashes of an indian elephant. | camel - zoo zürich - 2016the young camel was shyly glancing in my direction - feeling safe behind his mother back. |
indian lioness - zoo zürich - 2016while their normal enclosure was embellished with more plants. the lions were kept closer to the visitors. the lioness was curiously watching. | amurtiger - zoo zürich - 2016tigress elena giving a model like pose - once more. she seems well aware of her beauty. | brown bears - tierpark goldau - 2016the texture of the bears' fur is beautiful emphasised by the rain. | melancholy - zoo zürich - 2016gorillas have so many facial expression - just like humans. | lion tamarin - zoo zürich - 2016the two golden lion tamarins embracing each other in a crotch. | mouflon - tierpark goldau - 2016the young mouflon was coming close to the camera - exploring curiously. |
wildcat - tierpark goldau - 2016the european wildcat was patrolling its territory. | whitestork - zoo zürich - 2016the european white storks have lots of nests in the zoo. this one is bringing some material for the nest. | tree chipmunk - zoo zürich - 2016the chinese tree chipmunks are very quick animals. they're best photographed when its feeding time. | eider duck - zoo zürich - 2016the eider duck is beautiful reflected in the pond. | chile flamingo - zoo zürich - 2016a flamingo enjoying the refreshing water. | motmot - zoo zürich - 2016the blue crowned motmot is giving a cheeky glance. |
chapman zebra - zoo zürich - 2016laughing zebra. |
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